Untitled. Lost. ;Without hope`
Enjoy the Songs.. =P

Friday, August 10, 2007

Updating.. =D.

ok my pbl came to my hse to do the pbl tingy on sundae.. lol so far they r the most 'daring' ppl hu come my hse sia.. come my room liao look here look dere.. =.=.. lol. mondae pbl didnt turn up reali good.. cus i forget reming lq to bring thumbdrive.. then the mrs XXX damn idiot.. zzz. sian. ok.. then tuesdae went to hlp 205 plae match.. the line up fer the first half was kinda of lyk shit.. the defense was lyk shit.. the discipline was lyk shit. sum of them was not in their position.. its lyk damn confusing..? i dun even noe whr my real position iz..?im a CB. but i dun even noe hus my patner.? ok tat suc.. 207 took the chance and scored two.. sian half-tym 2-0.. ok the second half was much much beta.. kok wee the hero come to our rescue!! we dominated the second half.. i played as a MC. haha kooll .. we dominated the second half.. first own goal by 207.. then joel equalised.. youwei go claim credit.. actuallii joel goal liao.. youwei go tap in.. zzz. ok.. in the end 205 won.. wif penalty (2-1)!! woo.. hais sian dey dun allow the us outsider to take penalty. summre got one guy go knee my calf muscle.. zzz. pain~

ok..wednesdae national dae celebration.. aft sch celebration. went to had lunch wif kailun.. haha.
then went to plae soccer at gombak.. ok one of them was lyk damn humji lar.. zzz. forget it.. ytd plus todae.. chiong geo plus hist.. haha.. tink tis iz the last post be4 common test..? zzz.

11:10 PM;
I made my mark

Saturday, August 04, 2007

updating once again =D! hais damn lazi to post sia.. just a short one.

erm..todae tinkin skill go plae badminton. thomas chao slack. lol sum ppl de badminton de skill are so lan.. that i squad down also can win.. hehe jkjk. =X.

haha todae BB iz [[Fun Dae]]. haha. plae sum kinda of amazing race thingy.. n soccer.. haha chao slack n fun. no full uni~. cus it is the last parade be4 our common test.

ok.. todae aft sch stayed bac plae soccer. haha our sec2 team almost OWN all the team. shiok sia.. wi win lyk 7 to 8 match.. stayed inside lyk abt 1 hr? damn shuang..

Thursdae & Fridae
boring sch dae!

did nth much reali.. juz slack around.. watch harri potter again.. damn sian. plae FIFA 07. haha chao nice sia.. much much beta than fifa 06.

hais sian.. my days hasnt been good. cus of my stupid tooth? causing my whole gum to be swollen.. damn pain.. its been lyk one week.. and it isnt recovering.. sian =.=.

Tag replies.
WOW.. my tagboard had been flooded..
lol.. can see that there is alotta of sherrys around..
EuN' Harlo.. =).
Darren' hehe.. peiseh peiseh.. change liao..
xiaobai' lol .. one dollar too little liao.. u offer more i jiu reali go..
zy' sorry..

11:26 PM;
I made my mark



I stand in between both solstice; slashed, tortured, LOST.


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his crazi over SOCCER. NVr being tired out by SOCCER. KAKA!

WeLcomE To HiS BloG.FeEl FrEe To chAt wiF hiM on Msn. =)

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    Design (Brushing, Layout, Coding)
    Images (From Google & Yahoo)
    This and That
    Also Thanks (Some Reference)
    #10 } untitledBEAUTY | V2 `-Chronicles(:
    Also Thanks (Inspiration)
    The Great Tommy