Untitled. Lost. ;Without hope`
Enjoy the Songs.. =P

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Early happie new year to everyone. in abt 1 hr left. haha 2007!!!

did nth much as usual.trying to stop playing com . adjusting for the Sec 2 life ahead. haha . juz cant seem to stop myself frm playing com .wa.

haha 2007. New year. New life. New me.

10:51 PM;
I made my mark

Saturday, December 30, 2006

YAY. good new for mi sia. cus fei lun hav iz gonna hav another series of video col. {Zhong ji yi jia}. muahaha.

wa todae juz chiong com did nth. reali not in the study mood sia. duno how im gonna start my brain to work again. ZzzZzz. haha. Tagboard gonna become dead. but in the end. hu cares. =].

2 daes to 2007. 3 daes to sch reopen. DEATH NOTE 2 T.T..

9:55 PM;
I made my mark

Friday, December 29, 2006

3 more daes to NEW YEAR. wich mean.. 4 more daes to sch reopen T.T.

ok wth. found sum cheatcode for diablo2. become so damn fun lo. lvl 4 with skills of lvl 100. muhahaha. tis gonna be fun. im feeling crazy rite now.

when r wi going for deathnote 2?? wa sch gonna reopen liao. loyee faster cum bac la. or else yr friend dun wana cum watch de.

lesser ppl taggin my tagboard.. -.-.

10:30 PM;
I made my mark

Thursday, December 28, 2006

AHH. izzit the damn fking taiwan earthquake tat cus my internet to go bonkers. freak man. cant post n tag ytd n todae till now. zzz.

went soccer ytd. got tis uncle cum plae wif us. he was damn pro sia. totally thrash by him. haha. but i wont giv up =]. then erm todae. juz plae com whole cus mi sis not at home. haha. bac to diablo 2. cus i was lyk damn sian and nth to do.

Death Note 2!!! =]

10:27 PM;
I made my mark

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

haha bz dae todae.but fun =D.

ok went to jurong point todae. to watch the {nite at the museum}. damn funni lo. den watch wif vin plus qiying and her friend. it was lyk damn strange cus wi duno hu her freind was. and we didnt see qiying for so long. suddenly see her. lyk duno wat to see haha xD. but the whole ting was nice la . BTW i dun usually wear jean out la. unless hav to go formal occasion thingy.haha so ur r veri lucky to see mi wear jeans =D.

ok den aft tat went to christmas party at a restuarant near je. haha was so damn nice their food. so damn full. bloated.

haha TO:QIYING Thx for making todae movie outing successful haha =D. reali apreciate tat u call yr friend out haha. and make todae ting successful. =D.THANK YOU.

11:10 PM;
I made my mark

Monday, December 25, 2006

Xmas everyone =D.

N a happie birthdae song to melvin =D he todae birthdae sia.


quite a boring christmas todae haha. sian.

10:32 PM;
I made my mark

Merry Chritmas to everyone. haha =D ok i shud actually put the date as 24th but. hu the hell care man. MERRY CHRISTMAS!! =D

went to wk hse todae. haha had fun and ate quite a lot too. got a toy robot as present -.- haha but appreciate it.gave the toy to my bro wei wei instead =D. tml he wake up sae its frm santa claus =D. haha .


12:21 AM;
I made my mark

Saturday, December 23, 2006

=D soccer so fun todae. haha so long nvr be defender liao.

fun fun fun.the rain stop for us to plae lo =D. haha challenge the JC2's ppl. they r erm kinda of strong but wi r nt as bad =]. in the end got win got lose la. but tink wi lose more xD. wa cum bac chiong fifa manager whole dae.haha win 11 matches in a row now =D.

christmas~ in 2 daes.

7:17 AM;
I made my mark

Friday, December 22, 2006

Christmas counting down in. 3 daes =D.looking forward to--tml going soccer wif qt they all =D. sundae. going to my friend hse for chritmas eve? =D.

haha. todae so damn boring.did nth much.sian. chionging storybk now. =D.

cheerup guys. cus its gonna sch reopen =D.

10:33 PM;
I made my mark

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Best wishes to you wei. haha. to shanghai huh.

ok todae iz lyk damn bloody happie. cus last tuition of the yr. plus no hw. yay so damn happie sia. haha dun nid to see tat damn guy.[not the teacher but one of the student.] haha now chionging storybk.trying to finish it by nec wk xD.

why does everyone duno the damn meaning of 'nope'.its lyk sum guy sms mi sae 'ty'. then i sms bac sae 'nope'. then he tell mi 'huh?'. WTF IS WRONG.ppl sae ty shud sae bac 'nope' to be polite rite.or shud sae 'u shud thx mi de' huh. -.-.

nite at the museum and death note 2!!!


11:18 PM;
I made my mark

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

OMG OMG OMG. i finally can cum into blogger. aft four fcuking dae. so damn happie now. =D.

shall not post abt the past four dae cus i totally forget wat happen actually. onli can remb i got family gathering on sun. mon i go tuition. tues plan to go soccer but the damn weather cause it to be i tio fever. N todae...

=D. Tai yang gong gong qi chuang liao.( han yu pin yin for erm.. the sun juz wake up from his bed.) -.-. the sun finally out again. plus i recover from my fever =D. double happiness haha. then went to je library to do hw wif yw chang n feei. realise tat RV has so much holi assement. haha lucky i join nan hua.then ate lunch+ dinner at mac around 3 plus. OMG. we met wif the Ronald or donald or wadeva.( the clown hu alwaes smile n hav a damn big lip n damn big shoe.)so scary sia.ppl actually go n take pic wif him -.-.

excited abt sch reopen =D.

9:48 PM;
I made my mark

Saturday, December 16, 2006

ok fun dae todae.reali fun. =D.

went to magic show todae. the MAGIC OF LOVE. OMG. it wass so damn nice. not onli the magic.but the story as well. o ya btw at expo we saw a lot of ppl dressing up as their fav anime character. damn 'WTF' lo sum of them. so real. its sumting lyk COSPLAY in jap?n you wei why u todae strange strange de. lyk veri bu shuang mi lei. i felt veri strange.

i chiong finish {Zhong Ji Yi Ban} le!!! yay! so damn nice the ending.

o ya how could i forget vin bdae song!!


10:09 PM;
I made my mark

Friday, December 15, 2006

Wa. juz chiong the zhong ji yi ban de Cd again.todae manage to see until 19 onli. still got 3 more!! hah chiong ah.

o ya btw zhong ji yi ban iz 终极一班. a show done by fei lun hai la. damn nice. todae juz chiong on tat. plus do tuition hw. left wif one more summary T.T.haha tml going to magic show. plus sundae iz family gathering. first tym it will be held at my hse =D.

tired. todae slept until 10.30 am. my personal late.

11:04 PM;
I made my mark

Thursday, December 14, 2006

about 2wks left to sch reopen. shud i be sad or happie? =[..=]..

WOW. woke up damn early once again. to go to temple to damn tired -.-.then came bac i chiong the #$%Zhong Ji Yi Ban#$% de video all the wae till tuition. shiok. =].wa tuition so mani home work. siao. ok then came chiong the video all the wae till now again. still got 8 discs to go!! around 16 episode!! finish around 14 discs le =D.

Early happie birthdae to vincent =D. tml then sing birthdae to u!!!

10:47 PM;
I made my mark

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Damn tired once again.feel lyk slping whole dae. -.-.

went out to plae soccer todae. again. haha. damn fun. cos officer eric join us =D. haha then sum other guy join us to plae. in the end they got thrash by us? haha. we r beta than them lo =D. then went to mac to eat broke. haha. then prize presentation to vincent. =D. we call officer eric to hlp us giv the present to vincent haha. vincent u shud feel damn honour =D. haha. then came bac slack the whole dae lo.n i broke my finger nail -.- trying to save the damn goal.

i wan watch night at the musemum. plus death note 2!!! haha.

10:56 PM;
I made my mark

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Ok. yahoo. fianlly done more than 24hrs of CIP hours these two dae. hah =D. shall spent the nex 15 min to tell u my experience in tis BB sharity gift box =D.

alrite.first dae. met at mrt wif vin yw kj yz sean kivvan. (u dun nid to noe them). in the we got lost n ended up in singapore river -.- then no chioce take taxi. aft tat the RSM brief us on sum stuffs for the SGB( sharity gift box de short form ah.). ok then its tym to split up.then sum go do ware hse while other go shopping mall. we tio warehse. wa so damn tring. nid carry lots of tings. rice.oil.canned food.n damn mani other. got damn tired. lunch n dinner kinda of lyk sux. vege plus a fish for lunch n chicken for dinner. ok actually mi n you wei r the mos slack-est among them lo. cos we kip volunteer our self to go out and collect stuff so we dun hav to carry tings in warehse. haha=D. officer eric even treat us mc! so gd. ok then we work until lyk 9 plus then went home.reach home around 10pm plus. tired. and of dae1.

ok woke up at 6am again. pray to my "da bei gong" tat we could go n work at shopping centre. then todae in the end we realli go shopping centre =D. jurong point!! yahoo. so happie sia at first. then half wae through the briefing sir sae we all not going le. them mi n you wei n others was lyk damn fucked up the end found out wi going again =D. then off wi go aft collecting two coin tin plus a green folder containin the instructions. then JT drove us to jurong point. on the wae he kept complaining tat the van the bb lend him sux lyk hell. lol totally agree.max speed onli 80km/hr sia. -.-. ok reached around 11 lyk tat. we set up our booth. ok then started. sum kind ppl donated while others juz walk pass. then we got a hard tym giving out the flyers. sum asshole even giv us a damn bloody black face. ok trever camne to support us ahha =D. then we juz slack around. wow jp got a lot of chio bu sia. haha =D. then kao a lot of ppl tot we r the security guard sia. or the directory ppl. got ppl ask us whr the toilet. whr the clinic. whr the mrt and or sort of rubbish. n they nvr even donaate -.- kao bei. haha fun =D. then aft dinner went to hlp the other side de. beisde liberty market. wow singaporean r so kind. got ont family donated 3 full trolley full of rice, oil n tin bisucit. wow so touched sia. then went home. haha had a reali tym but as usual fun dae. =D=D=D.

i tink im gonna tio fever SOON. all nvr cum down support us T.T..

10:18 PM;
I made my mark

Sunday, December 10, 2006

ok shall make my post short.

todae woke up damn early. juz to prepare to go for the lunch. for the departure of my third uncle. his going to USA once again to work for 2 and a half yrs. then went to ah gon ghse first be4 going to upper thompson to the restuarant. ok it was lyk damn full.did nth much le.

broke my own record. use com for 2hrs todae onli.erm.. how do u spell restuarant or wadeva?

10:14 PM;
I made my mark

Saturday, December 09, 2006

STill not used to my damn spec. kinda of weird.

ok LOL. went down to westmall to waste my money juz to pass those damn studs to you wei n vin . waste abt $ 6 on lunch n $10 for arcade -.-.. you wei nex tym mit for breakfast k cheaper. met wif kj family on the way. haha.

shall make my post short.

11:35 PM;
I made my mark

Friday, December 08, 2006

haha change new spec! got a new hairstyle! haha new mi =D

ok why so suay de mi. i was lyk abt to go out. then i wipe my spec wif my shirt. my lens suddenly drop out -.- cos the frame break. -.- diao. then in the end went out without spec. realise it was damn hard to wok around. without my spec. then went to hair a haircut as well. haha.

came bac plae wei wei's gba mario again haha. then chiong my tuition. finished =D. haha then chiong maple + RO. im going crazy. haha i mite look kinda of funni xD.

crappin as usual.

11:21 PM;
I made my mark

Thursday, December 07, 2006

ok brought a new handfone stap n a new mouse todae =D. the handfone iz deathnote de. quite nice so i juz brought it. to replace my old one wich iz the ndp on e -.-. costs mi 7.90 sia. T.T. then the mouse quite good. n it kip on flashing diff colour lights! -.- cost 8 dollar haha. but tiz one i use voucher so is free~

todae tuition second chapt of sec2 math. quite easi. n OMG the hw iz whole of chapt 2 of the math assesement bk. siao. tis iz crazy. gt 2 chiong it tomolo. haha btw i recover liao =D. haha back on form. i pass bac the germ to my sis xD.

im addicted to the mario game of my bro gba sia. haha its damn nice.

10:43 PM;
I made my mark

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Ok im reali bored now. damn bored.wake up in the morning nth to do at all.OMG it was lyk o damn sian nth to do. NTH TO DO sia. onli ting i could tink of iz slp. other than tat. read storybk? do hw? listening to mp3?watch tv? nah. in sick of them -.-..

ok as i said. wake up tis morning wif nth to do. juz slp on the sofa n daydream. while watching tv of cos so i wont look lyk an idiot when my neighbour pass my hse.ok then aft noon when to slp till 3 pm. ya 3 whole hours i laid on my sofa doing nth else but slp. woke up. then did nth again. OMFG im so damn freakin hell sian. anibody had aniting for mi to do?

N WTF?! im sick once again. thx to my sis germs. but tis tym not so serious la. =D thx ppl for yr concern. hahas.

11:15 PM;
I made my mark

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Juz 20 more daes to Christmas. haha. 20+ holidae left. sian sch reopening soon. both happie n sad. haha. im crappin as usual..

went to plae soccer. actually not suppose to go out de. COS im SICK again . sian sick again. freakin hell. ok then i sneak out without lettin my dad noe. ahha. todae so damn tiring. mayb becos i sick no stamina? but i juz feel more tired than usual. went to mac slack again. n we suddenly remember the CHEN __ ___ thingy. haha .the mac hand!!

chiong my tuition lyk siao . the 5 sums of math took mi more than 3 hrs. cos iz lyk i stuck at tis damn question for 1 hr! =-=. plae com again aft tat. argh dun feel lyk eatin durin dinner. SICK arsehole.

anywae the spammin thing iz not mi do de F5. iz my msn sot diao!!

10:52 AM;
I made my mark

Monday, December 04, 2006

haha 123th posts. =D. wich mean about 123 daes since i started this blog? hahas.

ok erm.juz woke up. watch tv. go market. then come bac.use com. go tuition. then come bac. use com again.then slp. -.- tired of tis life sia. I WAN SCH!!! zzz. btw todae first tuition. was kinda of nervous.but found out aloysius. although sum tym strict n fierce. but he lyk to joke around. n giv tons of hw.T.T. tomolo hav to chiong the tuition hw liao .sianz.

"To overcome yr fear, u have to face it."sum one said tis to me. n i tink its quite true huh. sianz. My life is lyk a robot.

11:06 PM;
I made my mark

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Todae so damn sian sia. another boring sundae. hais. i wana go out watch movie wif friends T.T instead of stayin at home n slp.

woke up in the morning watch movie all the wae till 12 noon. ate lunch then juz wok around. then went to sleep till abt 2 plus.then woke up. see tc then plae com. sian dao siao. damn sian.OMG the lord of the ring totally rox man. todae part one damn nice.tomolo night part 2. gonna catch it no matter wat.those miss out todae de. muz watch tomolo de.

damn boring.boring life. makin mi bored. in the end make my posts boring too. bored.

11:13 PM;
I made my mark

Saturday, December 02, 2006

OMG!! tis iz the best saturdae i had ever been =D. haha .

First. woke up 6 am in the morning. went to archery course. at potong pasir. at first it looks kinda of small n lyk shit. but in the end realise it was the only air-con indoor archery range i suppose. wow. archery sure iz fun. if u get the hang of it. my finger hurts lyk hell man. but no ok le =]. FUN FUN FUN~. ok im turnin fattier by the wae. cos im lyk eatin MAC ALMOST EVERYDAE. WHOS FAULT IZ THIS?? CHEN YOU WEI! alwaes tell mi eat mac -.-

ok aft tat didnt did much juz played com n watch tv. then towards around 6 plus.. 7pm. i went to the BUKIT BATOK MOVIE NIGHT. omg it was so damn nice.the atmosphere. i watched ROB-B-HOOD. by jacki chan n gu tian le. so damn nice! it is a chinese movie by the wae. =D.宝
贝计划. nice. haha watch from 8 plus till 10 pm. miss my maple 2 x exp totally =[. but the movie turns out to be beta =D.hope there will be more of tis. xD totally rox!

almost everyone going outta of singapore for holi sia. =[. i onli went to malaysia less than 10 tyms? no choice. poor mah =[.

10:24 PM;
I made my mark

Friday, December 01, 2006

ok one more mth plus mayb one or two dae be4 sch reopen. around 4 wks mayb? erm 33 days?ok im crappin once again cos im feelin sian.reali sian.

juz plae com the whole was lyk OMFG. wats wrong wif maple todae? so damn many bugs n laggy!! forget abt it. last tym my whole post abt maple kena scolded by ppl. so im not gonna post much abt maple le. zzz. beside playin com i got nth else to do le =-=. sian. o ya n btw todae i suddenly turn hardworkin sia. i took my eng assesment bk to do =D.haha i hardly do tat.

tomolo archry huh. look forward to it. hope it will be fun n not lyk kayakin so damn tring n tio sunburnt on my face -.-. archery. n you wei sae he dun wan go cos he iz not a hunter but a magician huh. ...F7. maple. Joke sia. xD_ no offence.

Thx ppl for taggin =D. and for those hu nvr tag. thx for lookin at my blog =D.

10:17 PM;
I made my mark



I stand in between both solstice; slashed, tortured, LOST.


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